Fraction of my mind

Random stuff of my everyday life

Movie Reivew: The Lone Ranger


So the movie got bad reviews from everywhere. Honestly thought it was pretty good movie although there was bunch of holes during some of the scenes that aren’t really explained. The movie is full with excitement and laughs! A lot of critics criticized the fact that the movie was full of actions and some even criticized the there was too much slapstick. Maybe there was a little too much stunts but too much slapstick? Come on its movie written by Jerry Bruckhemier. The man who written Pirates of the Caribbean. Now you take the fact that you have Jonny Depp in consideration you should have already knew that there would be slapstick and scenes where accidents turn into a good thing.   In all this movie is for action wild west loving movie watchers.

The movies failure in my opinion is because critics were to blind to see the amazing-ness of the story and gave watchers the idea that the movie was a waste of time. Besides this is the first movie i have ever watched where they filled action into criticizing white people’s greed and the sadness of Native Americans.


7/10 Stars

Has anything ever been this comfortable!?

I just spent a whole day at college meeting my new professors and what not and boy was a relived to finally come home to snuggle into my sweats and relax. Has my sweats been this comfortable!? or is it getting out of my jeans. Haha its one of those days where you are just happy to finally relax. Oh but i cant get too comfortable…i still got to go back in a few hours. Well its kinda my fault i screwed up my college schedule. LET ME TELL YOU GUYS DO NOT BE PROCRASTINATE IT ENDS UP BITING YOU IN THE ASS. Then you cry in a small corner of your room and wondered why you ever procrastinate only to do it again. Then after a few vicious cycles you realize you can break out of it only to fall back into place. That is the story of my life.

Oh man I’m writing this post and I just realized how misleading the title is. Sorry fellow bloggers I’m just too good at using misleading titles. But in all seriousness i do apologize.

Politically correct term for black people

This is a question i asked my whole life. So what is the politically correct term for black people?

1) African Americans to those living in American. [To someone you aren’t friendly with]

2) Black. [This is kinda a really debated area to be honest. This term has really bad image doesn’t it? When trash talking, people generally use black people as term. So when you should use it? Probably to someone you are friendly with]

3) African Descents. [To people outside of America. Seems more PC(politically correct) to use this term]

4) Colored. [Ehh. Try not to use this term. The term Colored is really only used back when people were prejudice so saying Colored makes you come out as a prejudice person]

5) Negro. [Too old fashioned don’t you think?]

6) N-word. [Its just downright offensive!]

There really isn’t a “right” term. Only wrong term or words you should stay clear of.


The Music Festival Scene

You may or may not know that the music festival scene has quite a drug related reputation. As you would expect ravers (music festival goers) defend the music festival scene’s image by saying that the drug users are bad parts of the festivals and so on. So is it safe to assume that the music festival scene is full of drugs and undoubtedly protect your child from going there? No. Its like stereotyping all “punks” as bad people. I met some “punks” in my life and a few was the most generous and thoughtful people you will ever meet. If i could ever give them a award for being so damn nice i would. Now back to the main topic. What should we do?! Take it with caution. Its safe to assume that the music festival is not all about drugs. BUT while taking in consideration that people do drugs there. Music Festivals is all about appreciating music, some choose to use drugs (although it is not my cup of tea i do not hate them for choosing a path differently) while others just love it sober (or with alcohol).

Think it of this way. Life is about meeting things in the middle. You do not want to be the asshole on the news putting a bad image for a whole group just cause there is a bad cookie in the batch. You take both sides in consideration and try to meet in the middle. I know its hard that’s why decisions are hard in life. Does this mean stereotyping is bad and my opinion is irrelevant? Of course not. Stereotyping is part of life as long as you aren’t putting your stereotyping out there. So one of the stereotyping is Asians cant drive. As long as you don’t yell at a random Asian that they shouldn’t drive and what not is a no no. Another example is that African American’s like watermelon. It is not cool to give a watermelon to a random African American and say i know you like it. Just keep it to yourself! Now about opinions. Your opinions are never irrelevant. What do you think makes up the both sides of the story?! YOUR OPINION! I love the music festival and their details is someone’s opinion. I hate the music festival and their details is another opinion now you have two sides of the story.

Web Show Review: Video Game High School

MV5BOTgxOTMwOTAxMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTY3MTExOA@@._V1_SX214_Video Game High School is 10-15 minute YouTube series currently on its second season. When I first started watching this show I was very lost, i couldn’t grasp the concept and very confused as what this show was suppose to be about. A story about a young inspiring gamer?! Don’t worry once i got to the second episode i got into it. This concept is definitely different and new to me.  Its a very entertaining and fun web show that has me hooked! It doesn’t use famous cast and production. Just a person who knows his way around video editing. The acting isn’t bad (but this one scene when they were fighting threw me off but i guess its a web series so i should give it a break). This YouTube gimmick could also be a new thing too. All very interesting so its got my approval :)! Although i do warn you to not take this show too serious.

Edit: This show is for more of the younger audience and gaming audience

7/10 Stars

Movie Review: Star Trek Into the Darkness


I just want to say this before my readers read this is that I am quite a fan-boy for Benedict and so it may affect my review. Spock as usual is a emotion-less and maybe the fact that he was emotion-less the whole movie made the one of the scenes touching, almost. The movie was definitely visually appealing and Benedicts’ acting made the movie even better. Sadly the plot seemed very see-through and wasn’t honestly strong enough. While everything was unfolding there was one scene which practically reveal the whole twist to you which ruined the excitement. Alice Eve’s underwear scene looked like it was placed in there with its only purpose of appealing to viewers in a nude sense. On top of all this the movie according to a star-trek fan it was slap to their face. Although I, personally, was never much of a star-trek watcher myself, I did some research on the topic. Upon my finding, Khans character was very much the same but most of the plot was changed from “Space Seed” and “Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan”. I was slightly disappointed in this movie and i definitely liked the first one better.

5/10 Stars

Drug Review: 5-HTP

5-HTP is a over-counter drug used to help anxiety and depression but is advertised as a drug that supports calm & feelings of well-being.  The drug is also related to the street-drug Molly or known as MDMA. If used regularly it can cause nauseous, appetite-loss and insomnia.  I’ve been using the drug on and off for about 4 months before using regularly for 3 months to treat my anxiety and depression. The first two months of my daily usage of 5-HTP definitely help brighten my world and help my anxiety but on the third month of using it the side effects have become a annoyance. I often felt unbearable stomach pains and couldn’t sleep after using it. I would spend hours in bed feeling really discomfort by the stomach pains and restlessness. In my experience of 5-htp, i suggest a moderate usage of it and not a long term solution for depression or anxiety.

6/10 Stars

Note: Drug review is from personal experience and may or may not accurately describe its effects for everyone.

Movie Review: Slumdog Millionaire


Slumdog Millionaire a movie about a nobody building into a symbol of hope for others. I don’t think it accurately depicts the movie but too lazy find a better way to rephrase it. Slumdog isn’t one of those regular boring movies about a nobody not giving up and what not to get everything. In fact the director spiced the idea up by building up in three different scenes was a excellent mixture to the movie. There was many criticism coming in about how it shows the bad side of India and what not. To be honest who watches a movie a purely fictional movie and thinks oh India is a bad place. But i guess in reality this movie reinforces the western idea of what they think of India.

Stars: 8.5/10

My side of the arugment on depression

I find it often that people confuse depression and sadness. Easily confused for someone who hasn’t really experienced depression. What I find amusing is when people who haven’t experienced depression decides a good thing to say is “other people have it worse you know”. There were people on the internet arguing over this issue of whether saying this was appropriate. To my surprise, one said it could help the depressed by focusing on the positive side of his/her life but he also criticized the fact that quote was thrown around too much without genuine hope to actually help you. “Sadly, most people throw “Other people have it worse” around without genuine hopes that your depression will be healed. They just want to piss you off or perhaps gain some sympathy for themselves.” I found it well said. I personally would not have liked it being said to me if i were depressed. I would first like to explain that i did have depression for a short time before i began taking 5-HTP to ease my depression. That being said, depression for me changed my state of mind. I couldn’t focus or even see the positive light in life it was just clouded by depression. So referring depression as a state of mind, when people said “oh other people have it worse” all i am thinking is wow great i am so pathetic that i being depression over this while people are having worse, i should just kill myself for how weak i am and what not. I wouldn’t even to come to think the positive side of things. So is saying this to a depressed person helping them in my opinion?  No it doesn’t it just makes people feel worse.

I continued reading the arguments being thrown one of them caught my attention:

I´ll give you an example, Tom, loses his job, his wife leaves him and gets kicked out from his home, he then feels hopeless and enters a state of depression should he a) feel sorry for himself and not do anything resulting in a downward spiral of self pity , or b) go out into the world, find a new job, a better girl and a new house. and yes he can force himself to do those things, and I assure you if he accomplishes them, (and with time and effort he should) the depression would lessen or completely go away

I should just smack you off the face of the world for being a ignorant twat shouldn’t i? This really angered me a lot. If you say “feels hopeless and enters a state of depression” then how in the world could you possibly ignore the fact hopelessness means without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success. If you feel hopelessness why would you even being to force to accomplish things that unseemly feel impossible to you. On top of that you are in a state of depression the odds are stacked against you. Sure is it possible maybe but not for me. When I felt depressed I would cry for absolutely no reason and feel hopeless, pathetic and worthlessness. Surely I didn’t want to feel like this but i was unable to force myself to do something about it. That all being said please don’t lightly say force yourself when talking about depression it took time and medicine for me to even dig myself out.